Isometric Mid Thigh Pull (IMTP) Rack
We designed the IMTP rack alongside Dr. Brad DeWeese of DeWeese Performance with the goal of creating a cost-effective rack that is dedicated to the isometric mid thigh pull test.
The bar height can be easily adjusted in one centimeter increments to allow users to move large teams through in a more efficient manner. The platform dimensions of 40.5 inches wide x 35 inches deep will accommodate a wide range of force plates (PASCO, AMTI, etc). The rack is currently set up to accommodate your own barbell, in order to keep the cost down, but we will soon offer a model with a bar attached.
Data analysis and recommendations on training alterations are provided by Dr. Brad DeWeese and his team of professionals under the DeWeese Performance banner.
Bar and force plates are not included. Once your order is placed, we will build your rack and have it to you within three weeks.

Bar Tensioner
Quickly remove all slack from the bar by tightening the tension strap

Easy Bar Height Adjustment
Adjust bar height quickly and easily with a single pin on each side.

Bar Height Indicator
Easy to read IMTP Bar Height Indicator to assure that you always have the bar set perfectly
NFL: Cleveland Browns
NBA: Milwaukee Bucks
NBA: Portland Trailblazers
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DeWeese Speed Shop
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Carthage College
DePauw University
Marquette University
Ryotokuji University, Japan
Sacred Heart University